How Software Can Help Bring Devices to Market

This webinar, delivered by Firefinch Software, is tailored to medical device start-ups and gives an overview of the role that software development can have in bringing medical devices to market.  Participants learn about the best practices for designing, developing, and testing software that meets stringent regulatory standards.
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The Innovate UK Biomedical Catalyst: Unlocking the Opportunity

The Biomedical Catalyst is Innovate UK’s flagship grant funding mechanism for the support of business innovation in healthcare and life sciences. With grants of up to £2m available for the development of health and healthcare solutions, this competition is highly competitive with fewer than one in ten applications being successful. This webinar brings together different perspectives on the application process, including insights into the evaluation of proposals and top tips from a company that has successfully secured funding.
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Grant Funding For Your Medical Devices

This webinar presents some of the collaborative funding options for start-up and medical devices companies. The webinar is particularly suited for company founders and directors seeking grants to increase the technology readiness levels of their products or services. Various funding schemes are presented, with emphasis on funding routes relevant to the Scottish Ecosystem.
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Preclinical Device Testing and Training

At the Image Guided Therapy Research Facility (IGTRF) we offer a human perfused Thiel cadaveric model, which provides an excellent platform with real human anatomy for the development of new innovative technologies in addition to training in advanced interventional procedures. This webinar highlights the services available within our facility and presents case studies which highlights collaborations regarding device development and training opportunities.
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Health Informatics Centre (HIC) Services for Device Development

This Webinar includes discussions of the services provided by the Health Informatics Centre (HIC) and how they can be used to support medical device development. HIC explains their services in the context of the medical device development lifecycle and showcase examples through case studies.
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How Statistics Can Support the Medical Device Innovation Pathway

Clinical trials are often an essential step for an evidence-based demonstration of effectiveness of medical devices in a clinical setting. Ensuring trials are designed and analysed properly is key to evaluating the accuracy and utility of new diagnostic devices. Case studies demonstrating how statistics can support commercial companies in developing their medical device route to translation will be presented. The webinar will be of interest to companies wishing to seek statistical support through the MDMC partnership to fully develop their overall portfolio of evidence.
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Validation of Medical Devices

Validation of medical devices, the process of confirming that the medical device or software works in the way in which it was intended, is a fundamental part of the medical device manufacturing cycle. We are delighted to welcome two speakers, Elaine Gemmell, Head of Regulatory Affairs at InnoScot Health, and Tautvydas Karitonas, Managing Director of the UK company Test Labs, to discuss aspects of validation of medical devices.
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Medical Device Sustainability: State of Play, Regulations, Solutions

Medical waste has hit the headlines during the Covid-19 pandemic, with billions of tonnes of single-use PPE and diagnostic paraphernalia going to incineration or landfill. Growing awareness about the environmental cost of healthcare has attracted the attention of the general public and funders alike. A heavy user of single-use products, the healthcare industry has relatively recently awakened to its environmental impact.
In this webinar we will be discussing with experts about the current state of play, existing and upcoming regulations, and solutions for higher environmental sustainability in the field of Medical Devices.
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Medical Device Manufacturing Centres in the UK

Various Medical Device Manufacturing Centres have been created over the years in the UK in order to support academics, SMEs, and large Companies. These Centres include large inter-disciplinary teams of engineers, scientists, and clinicians with long standing track records in medical device development. Join this webinar where the roles and capabilities of three Centres with close association with Universities are presented alongside a Catapult Centre.
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Medical Device Design

Join us as industry experts from Product Design Scotland, Wideblue, The Medical Device Company, and more, give their insight on medical device design and development regarding best practices and innovations, covering topics from single use devices to point of care diagnostic devices.
This webinar will be of interest to manufacturers with little prior experience of developing medical devices, as well as established medical device businesses seeking the latest perspectives from Scottish design experts.
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Clinical Trials and Animal Models

Clinical trials are an essential step for evidence-based demonstration of effectiveness of medical devices in clinical settings. Solid supporting evidence is critical towards acceptability of a product within the NHS. In some cases, the use of animal models can also help provide evidence of the effectiveness of the device that you seek to commercialise. This webinar welcomes Prof. John Norrie, Director of Clinical Trials Unit at the university of Edinburgh, and Professor Eddie Clutton from the LARIF Centre who present the needs for clinical trials and animal models, respectively.
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What is a Medical Device?

In this webinar, Ms. Elaine Gemmell, head of Regulatory Affairs at InnoScot Health, Ms. Melissa Siah, Director of Syntacog, and Prof. Marc Desmulliez, Manager of the MDMC, will present:

  • The legal definition of a Medical Device
  • The classification of a Medical Device and its impact on the regulations that need to be satisfied by this device
  • Case studies of devices which lie at the boundaries between classes of devices
  • The presentation of a software that automatically provide information on the classification of a medical device and lists the regulation documents to be filled in. A live demonstration of the software will be provided.
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Validating the Need for your Product

Join the Medical Device Manufacturing Centre (MDMC) and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Devices for Dignity (D4D) for this webinar explaining the need for SMEs to understand why it is important to involve their customers prior to designing, manufacturing and selling their product to the NHS and the benefits that this approach can provide. This webinar will be of interest to designers and manufacturers developing medical device products and want to understand the importance of patient and public involvement and how this can help shape their products.
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Hermeticity of Medical Devices

In this webinar, Dr. Anne Vanhoestenberghe, Deputy Director of MAISI, and Prof. Marc Desmulliez, manager of the MDMC, will present:

  • The fundamentals of hermeticity and the three types of leaks that can occur in medical devices
  • The standards that medical device manufacturers must follow to have hermetic medical devices
  • The methods to test loss of integrity in medical devices
  • The impact of outgassing in hermetically sealed packages and permeation in plastic packages
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Polymer 3D Printing for Medical Devices

Join our MDMC technical webinar showcasing the 3D printing capabilities available free of charge to Scottish SMEs. In this webinar, our technology specialists discuss details of 3D printing including:

  • Filament and resin based 3D printing and how they can be used for medical device manufacture
  • What to consider when 3D printing
  • Exemplary case studies, from COVID test swabs to wearable devices
  • How to take advantage of the MDMC 3D printing facilities
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Environmental Sustainability of Medical Devices: Challenges and Opportunities

Medical waste has hit the headlines during the Covid-19 pandemic, with billions of tonnes of single-use PPE and diagnostic paraphernalia going to incineration or landfill. A heavy user of single-use products, the healthcare industry, has relatively recently awakened to the environmental impact of this. In this webinar, experts discuss the challenges, solutions and opportunities for higher environmental sustainability in manufacturing technologies for single-used medical devices.
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Medical Device Regulations

This webinar features practical, up-to-date guidance on pathways to market for medical device SMEs, including post-Brexit opportunities. Led by regulatory expert Edwin Lindsay, MD of Compliance Solutions (Life Sciences) Ltd, this webinar incorporates a case study on the innovative SC+ personal haemodialysis system by Prof Clive Buckberry, Chief Engineer and Technology Officer at Quanta Dialysis Technologies Ltd.
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Health Technology Assessment of New Medical Technologies and the Benefits of Early Preparation

Join our guest speakers from Scottish Health Technologies Group (SHTG) and University of Leeds, for an overview of HTA components, including health economics, and their role in adoption of new health technologies in the NHS. The webinar also introduces SHTG's new “Early HTA Advice” service for medical device developers.
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